Jun 26, 2013

simple mathematics

we all fucked up in the game
poor broke rich millionaires
search for the hidden breath
beats in the silent night
whispers for all who listen
morse code waits to be seen
morse code waits to be deciphered
truth waiting for the believer to believe it.

we all the same
hard knocks breaks the soul
face on windshield spell out the lesson
we need to feel it
let nerves send signals to the brain
chemical reactions dictate the tempo
children of the earth hide
under manufactured tinted plastic
facades and postures
can not mask a broken heart
a broken child
a broken soul
a broken smile
tells a tale of hope
but perfection is a fantasy
a myth perpetuated by the collective.

we all feed the hype
enable the cycle to continue
folding chairs are pitched in front of train wrecks
and each neighbor deplores the action of each neighbor
but we don't move
we don't believe
actions of one can hold back the tide
we don't believe
the power that one holds
how one molecule can cause a chain reaction
provide shelter in a storm
find faith in the deceased.

we all fucked up in the game
not knowing
we are bound by the thoughts and imagination of our own doing
not knowing...