Jun 26, 2013


the mind split
protocol broken
room temp bourbon breaths life into frozen water.
sweat drips absorbed by skin
the apocalypse begins with a single thought
followed by a ripple of action.
the horns of the horde
echo off mountain walls.
a surreal feeling follows the imaginative mist
shafts of light heats ground.
a visualized thought
an audible spectacle
hovers a few inches off concrete
sound travels before pupils are able to register
sweat drips unable to penetrate saturated skin
ceremony music plays
heads tilt up
hearts skip
new meanings to old taboos flourish
ignored caskets fill cemeteries
blunt force trauma allows eyes to see.
mixed dna predicts an outbreak
the mind splits
protocol breaks
simple pleasures leave a fleeting impression.

the brain freeze
disregarded operating procedures
a maker talks to stones that don't melt.
hydration penetrates pigmented epidermis
the beginning of the end begins with good intentions
followed by birds of a feather.
the wails of the fallen
echo within inner drums.
deja vu follows cigarette smoke
bricks of sun line the yellow brick road.
an image
a sound
surfs on a wave of wind
mind body soul forms one entity
hydration covers saturated thoughts
the orchestra sits at attention
unable to look up
unable to hear the beat skip
old meanings to new taboos
floods a canoe engulfed in flames
truth allows eyes to open.
family lines predict possibilities
the brain freezes
disregard operating procedures
simple pleasures leave a fleeting impression.