Jul 5, 2011

lost in lose

i play to win
so in essence
i play to lose
life dishes out more
loses than wins
that is why
when a victory occurs
it is overwhelming joy
happy feet giggle
a dance occurs in my heart.
when the tide reverses
luck runs out
snake eyes reflect my image
i sink to the depths of the abyss
look to the sky and search
for the shining glimmer of hope
and wait for another win.
in the mean time
i wander the caves
explore the despair
pain becomes normal
and i crave it once it vanishes.
solitude wraps its arms
rocks me to sleep.
lighting breaks the darkness
briefly showing
the contours of my surrounding.
there are times
i stop looking up
days go by weeks
moisture from the clouds soak my clothes.
the cave fills
drinking water
becomes swimming water
lifting my feet from the ground
i doggy paddle towards
a bright speck in the sky.