Jul 1, 2011

discipline in solitude

the easy way
is to commit a crime
land in jail
then spaz out
with a plastic knife
to get placed in a box
meals fed through a tray slot.
inhale the stale concrete air
for 23 hours a day
the mind reflects on itself
learning begins
understanding forgiveness takes root
out of the dim cocoon
a new life shapes
enters the world wide eyed.
that's one half of the extreme.
many of us fall in the middle
being pulled in all directions
not allowed to be still.
the art of slowing time
sits on a dusty bookshelf
there are notes
scribbled by an eager soul
on chapters
the courage to say no to others
and the ability to seek comfort in silence.
off to the side
on the other side of a wall
a park sits idle
listening to the sounds
of humans talking.