Dec 31, 2010
twenty eleven
a gust of wind
keeps the decent suspended
as time ticks down
a new year quickly becomes old fashion.
more waste enters the world for sixty seconds
bodies huddle together but still dance due to the cold
lights give off no heat
only shine bright and reflect plastic tints.
a ball drops
and two kids play rampage
knowing that in the entire world
no others are doing what they are doing.
Dec 29, 2010
hallways stark white walls
pale colors line the corners
arctic winds run free.
routines take shape for the locals
out of towners wander
lost distraught out of place
until drugs hit veins.
fog induced dreams take flight
forgotten in the haze of war
reality bleeds onto the floor
old technology and human error
keep the balance
they tell everyone to remain clam
then panic but reverse quickly.
it is all too much
audience members sit wait sleep
unsound thoughts
in anticipation for better news
this place waits to be filled.
Dec 26, 2010
leaves roll and tumble
get caught in spider webs
crickets roam the empty space
they greet each other
reminisce over past performances
the spot light shines on a lone microphone
dust particles move off the chrome object
sensing what is about to happen
the insect orchestra plays
music seeps backstage
floats dodges obstacles
homing in on its target
it hits inner drums
stirring up the storm.
in a minute
a whirlwind will saturate the hallway
explode onto the elevated platform
leaving a crater in the mind's eye.
in the meantime
peace sits listening to
the soothing sounds
and envisions the step before the step.
Dec 24, 2010
right angles tease their senses
they reminisce over you
things that meant something
wither to dust.
new habits are created
they fight the old bad manifestations
fireworks ignite
ears alert the eyes.
a focal point is established
pleasure pain forces
waves of uncertainty
they disrupt what's wrong and right
apologies are left where they belong.
the bold move forward unflinching
every step is intentional
accidental waves off past adventures
but secretly watch tea leafs for clarity.
Dec 22, 2010
they creep sprout from year to year
meteors shower the sky
purple white colorful paint the blue backdrop
onlookers stare
marvel in the beauty
until courses alter
spreading doom gloom and death
what makes tears creates laughter
one same thing
at different points in time space.
Dec 18, 2010
need to breathe
rest recoup lost powers
but life kept beating me
against the ropes
in the corner
legs got weary
shuffled off to the side
absorbed impact after impact
the mind folded
fell to the mat
waiting for the count
within seconds of the eight
then got back up
for the remainder of the beating.
life is a fight
in a fight for your life
the life you know you deserve
you must beat life's ass
i must beat life's ass
because i will no longer
be it's sparing partner.
Dec 16, 2010
for a time where
they can lose control
waiting for liquids
to seep into the bloodstream
in order to loosen lips.
they drown
get lost in a maze of jellyfish
then forget about the floating mushrooms.
tentacles slowly wrap themselves around the conversation
easing out each word
building a trap for drunkards.
no matter what is said
all is forgotten minutes later
another conversation files the minds
obscures the view
and when thoughts of last night are recalled
nothing is left but a blur
and the hope that secrets were not revealed.
but they are out
a thief in the night
running loose in some one's thoughts.
Dec 12, 2010
this is why i keep them short
and share them with you.
steps are laid to be followed
habits are broken
as new ones birth into existence.
sun rises and shine
plants tip their hats in its direction
stare into the beast
bask in its power
let epic sounding music
be the soundtrack of your greatness
let it over take you
as soon to be events
map themselves to subconsciousness
let them guide you through the day.
motivation needs to be you
become your inspiration
and as this cycle starts
you will never be without drive.
follow the keys
they will know the way
doors will not only unlock
they will fall off the hinges
sending a warning shot to fear
letting its allies know
the master soon approaches.
Dec 7, 2010
a world of contradiction.
perfection wishes to be imperfect
to be human
the beauty of life eludes the lifeless.
mathematician told artist to settle down
but the fire runs through the veins of both
they act like they are worlds apart
blind to what every sees
they compete for hearts and minds
their lovers claim to be true
so, without a doubt they believe it.
math and art sit at similar work spaces
but if you ask them
paintings of their rival come to life
monsters eating babies
run across the canvas wreaking havoc
until they run into a wall.
the nonverbal war continues to this day
they speak to others spreading propaganda
blindly releasing hot lead into the air
enemy bullets rain down
they take shelter under scaffolds
but for some reason they don't realize
what goes up must come down.
Dec 5, 2010
false starts
a promise is repackaged negotiated
more time passes
we fool ourselves
thinking all is normal
no mistakes occurred
but they did and they do.
Dec 1, 2010
blank stare
sometimes they get caught in the air
on trivial matters
or stuck in a mindless loop.
sometimes they are drawn out
one long stretch of consciousness
over a period too long to count.
they can also be the opposite of themselves
bombard the mind with rapid fire processes
jumping over each other competing against fire.
thoughts are smart dumb people
elusive and deceptive
at any given point
they can captivate all
hold us hostage to their insight
or leave us wondering
what was being smoked
and where can i get some.
Nov 28, 2010
third and long
hearts pound scared to breathe
lights flash
all eyes point to one spot.
seconds takes the form of minutes
everything slows to a crawl
hope is pinned on the luck and talent of a few.
Nov 27, 2010
moving paintings
lazy moments
creep into time space.
moving pictures are muted
they play on the screen
colors dance to a script
on occasion they are given a voice
only to be silenced minutes later.
this routine repeats for years
with the promise of change
when new eyes enter the world.
habits are hard broken
and a newly minted father
will make difficult choices
contradicting his rhyme and reason.
he will lead two lives
in addition to the many
that run rampant.
hopefully there will be an anchor
to push pull sway chaotic seas into harmony
and together create a new world for each other.
Nov 24, 2010
worlds apart
we wake
to a world created by our thought fear joy
a kingdom empire republic
made in the image of your consciousness.
we manipulate the weather
cast spells over others
rule with an iron fist
entertain dignitaries of foreign lands
while basking in imaginary perfection.
no one knows the truth
the world in which you live
all they know is their world
all you know is your world
until someone decides to open
let in the unknown
to take a chance on one another
to feel happiness and lose.
we keep ourselves isolated
strategically revealing pieces of ourselves
never revealing our whole self to one person.
Nov 21, 2010
at the edge of life
i push
to a place
outside the box
i step
across lines of comfort.
when in doubt
i ask
am i scared.
if no
i need to look elsewhere.
if yes
i know i'm walking in the right direction.
it reminds me to take chances
to live
so i throw caution to the wind
free fall
and let rising winds lift my wings.
Nov 19, 2010
piled high forming dunes
blocking elements
they stop in place
behind the velvet rope
with no bouncer to unlatch the hook.
Nov 17, 2010
liquid tango
on a tuesday night
i joined forces with misfits
made our way to the watering hole
engulfed life and music.
on a monday night
i stand in front of an audience
the cats ignore my actions
as i recount adventures.
liquid paint jumps out the bottle
flows through the dig system
bass rumbles
the mirror awaits my return
but the book has my attention
she misses my ink
years passed without a meaningful word
i kept her in the dark
now the light shines
and i play with her lines
feeling each scribble on naked skin.
one note leads to another
and we jump from thought to thought
the wall comes up fast
i brake before impact
drink and restart the process.
Nov 14, 2010
to let days slip into each other
for inaction to become the norm
paralyzing thought and progress.
there is no quick fix
five hour drink to remedy the situation.
it takes focus
a mentality of chewing bubble gum and kicking ass.
comedy and drama are best friends
so when the high dies
remember to laugh.
push through the rock hard place
until a spark triggers the ignition
and all starts to flow again
or do what i do
sleep the entire weekend
then force yourself to do one productive thing
then go back to bed
because we all need to rest.
Nov 12, 2010
in wait
the natural order of things
takes a back seat to adrenaline.
the mind fights with the body
and unfortunately
the mind will win
until the situation passes
when things get back to normal
or whatever "normal" looks like.
Nov 10, 2010
A Note
Nov 5, 2010
liquid psychedelics float in the air
prophets holler as the scribe declares to cut it short
life listens to patterns of typed keys
words try to find meaning of themselves
old memories of video games describe the current situation
fiction depictions of non-fiction dance on screen
it reminds the soldier of what's he's leaving
but also of where he's going
the meaning is lost in the title.
Nov 3, 2010
at places
with people
observing things
brings a wealth of knowledge
a better understanding
of how life works
how things get done
i came to this earth
knowing nothing
i go where life leads me
when lost
i stop
look around with all five
grains of information pours in
so one day
i may make sense of a fraction of it.
Oct 31, 2010
one way trip
every event
to one point
a specific situation
this game can be played
with every present moment.
we can drive ourselves crazy
pondering possibilities
but there exists only one outcome
and this is how it will stay
mixing decisions with others
we control nothing
only a chance to ride the wave
at the discretion of the wind.
Oct 29, 2010
night shift
about a sofa
early morning
television on mute
consciousness slipping in and out.
it dates back to the early days
locked in solitude
with a lone voice
asking or ordering
to take these weary bones to bed.
the days of breaking night are over
age pushes the body to sleep
but the mind wants to know why.
theories are pondered
the answer of why will stay out of reach
in perpetual movement
on the outskirts of the creep.
Oct 28, 2010
stainless rust
the thief negotiates with himself
and decides to go the original route.
i'm not sure if was the right decision
a trip inside herman's head
reveals the clashing personalities.
they scream yell laugh
but the outcome is the same.
the ghost in the shell
master commander overrides all action thoughts.
the machine tries to move
specks of dirt clings to the oil
everyone watches to see the next move
no one helps.
the thief smokes an imaginary cigarette
leans on the side of the machine
and listens to the inner workings of the machine.
Oct 24, 2010
i get that
i love that
i cherish that
but between my arms
you must surrender
you will surrender
relax the pink softness
let my fingers and thoughts have their way
melt in my arms
rest your head on my shoulder
respect the strong hand that moves your body
be a woman and i a man.
A Note
Oct 20, 2010
things to do
lost in a corner
surrounded by dead skin and dirt.
things get planned
then life happens
some are accomplished
in unexpected ways
they pile up on a list
magnetically charged to metallic doors
scribbled on pieces of paper that will get lost.
it starts with good intentions
but people cannot keep pace with the mind
things get stuck in the back of memory
until other things jog them up.
i feel sorry for things
they are at the mercy of human thought and inaction
and i feel sorry for people
they tend to become slaves of the things.
Oct 17, 2010
make the world go round.
numerous directions
overwhelm the inhabitants of earth
eyes pierce the dark
but darkness remains
frustrating would be architects
the future clouds the present
water falls the sun burns
molecules to soft rock
trains collide blend create nonsense
an architect laughs
locked away in an onyx tower
firing shots at imaginary targets
two words plague the minds of the world
these words echo and scream
forcing action and inaction.
Oct 15, 2010
people need people
enjoy silence
act silly
dream big
be friends
live life together.
Oct 14, 2010
a low hum
summons sandman to the bar
non-existing tectonic plates
disappear into the border
machines work void of human life
water stands still in the wasteland
red earth bakes
mechanical ants scurry down the road
iron mountains try to touch the sky
man made beasts
wielder of lost fire
steel rotators fly above
capturing the remains of the day.
Oct 10, 2010
the lost art
excuse me
pardon me
thank you.
Oct 9, 2010
in the water
thirst has not risen from throat
i hope this uncertainty lasts.
the longer i go without
the longer i'll stay sane
confusion circles
i catch a glimpse of lost souls
and wonder if i'm next to boil in the pot.
i try to shield myself from the toxicity
but sooner or later i need to drink.
i feel the storm coming
my cave has a purification kit
calming supplies sit in wait
i'm caught out of position
the warriors theme music plays
track number 10 in my life's soundtrack
i don't have a play list
still rock compact discs.
the sky turns gray
i take shelter under palm leafs
chart my way to home base.
the weather calms
sun shines
i'm glad for the brief break
but the eye will soon pass.
Oct 6, 2010
slower when it rains
rain sets mood and tempo
it says
stay in bed
listen to my children
against hard soft surfaces
rest the day away
temperature decreases
reality sets in for most
they lift weary bones from bed
ready to tackle the day
but rain reminds us
to slow down
take it easy
a mellow cloud settles over all activities
all questions are followed by "it's raining"
and everyone acts accordingly
Oct 3, 2010
cat toy
surrendered my belongings to the mongrels
animals that keep me up at night
leave their toys around the apartment
scream until tired or
until bowls are filled.
the next time they escape
no rescue party will be sent out
it's been a while since they attacked
little man puts push pins in footwear
shortie rock eats jeans shirts sneakers shoes.
she struck again
i didn't get mad
chase her around
pluck her ear
i just shrugged
threw the pair behind a closed door
and hope my jeans will cover the trail of destruction.
Oct 1, 2010
yum yum yummy
nothing can compare
anticipation rises but never falls
the kid comes out
running around the candy store
with a bottomless bag
a sweet tooth defies the dentists
all senses heighten
a bubble surrounds bodies
the world no longer exist
just the present moment
all is recorded memory
will collect dust on the mind's shelf
once recalled
like it was yesterday pops up
like it just happened
like it is happening now
smiles dance across the body
heat burns from skin
liquids cling to hair
all senses stall
and you no longer know
which toy you want to play with next
the best part is before you touch
imagination runs through all possibilities
and all possibilities feel good to the touch
Sep 29, 2010
it starts with one
but before a wave turns to a tidal
one turns the waters
many look
mock and try to push back change
even if they agree and wish to join
fear holds them
so it goes back to one
always starts with one
who finds the courage to transform life thought culture
one surges into the future searching for clarity happiness
one finds another one
ones join together
status quo transforms
a new reality crashes into stagnant mind sets
be honest
which side are you
one or many?
now ask yourself
which side do you want to be on
Sep 26, 2010
days in the city
that could not keep the ale cold
wheels touch asphalt
i silently cheer and clap
it's a hold over from
trips to puerto rico
every soul would rejoice
i carry on tradition
brown lights show the imprint of the city
i love its shapes curves
and areas of darkness
the j hollers
letting me know it's near
hours later it guides me into the heart
the skyline reveals itself
displays a panoramic view before dipping underground
it's magical
the music fades
her voice overpowers the beats
a disregard of the law shadows the night
recovery begins on the slowdown
reflection occurs to the tipping point
i cut the trip short and save the rest for later.
Sep 24, 2010
A Note
Sep 22, 2010
the art of the theft
i surf fm satellite frequencies
it's early a.m.
loyal listeners ride shotgun
accidental newbies stumble upon the madness
i'm a thief
but theft pumps through veins
exploits and philosophy
run from synapses to voice box
beating drums
in a past life
cigarettes would fill the room
now i'm lucky if makers sits next to me
the audience waits
i deliver the gospel
the art of thieving
stealing heart mind body
i lay out the blueprint
for seduction
calls turn dark to flashing white lights
my producer fields calls
heated discussion float in the air
it comes down to the bottom line
nothing is secure
everything is up for grabs
if you want to win
you might have to steal
this is where i provide my services
for those who are in love with taken hearts
i provide the keys glocks and locks
Sep 19, 2010
blinders hit the eyes left to right
trees sky and green signs show the way
reds whites mixes with flashing yellows
to get off the ride
means to know the destination
rivers of concrete divides neighborhoods
underground a city flourishes
all walks of life collide then disperse
incoherent voices play through the tunnel
anxious feet walk close to the yellow edge
day and night do no exist
artificial colors guide the way
bodies push into each other
just like thier metallic counterpart
one is not better than the other
only different.
Sep 18, 2010
i stare at them at night
on a rooftop submerged in the city.
miles away on a mountain
a house sits on stilts
the owner strolls outside
gazes at the lights below
but never looks up.
lights slowly carve through the sky
slow motion movement
causes me to wonder if stars can move.
technology and transportation disrupts nature
sounds of cars from the nearby freeway
remind me of waves breaking the ocean.
i close my eyes
feel the cold breeze
sink my toes into imaginary sand.
pacific waters are near
i have yet to feel its touch.
i open my eyes to the flickering dead light
the ocean disappears
but the breeze continues to roll over my skin.
Sep 15, 2010
like child
they laugh uncontrollably
enjoy the good times of learning
playing living
life enters stage left
with a tornado in one hand
laughter hides
youth disappears
innocence is said to be lost
but this is lie
it's hidden in a corner
in a room with an unlocked door
time grows age
old hands turn the door knob
unleashing the beast of life
to be care free
withou borders
those in the middle envy the young and old
a short cut exists in plain sight
stop bullshitting and open the door.
Sep 12, 2010
vague memories of memories
snippets of life
bookmarks that have neither rhyme nor reason
a conversation occurs
a friend acquaintance stranger
asks if i remember when...
and i don't
a story is told
i'm a character
and i have no recollection
the event is foreign
something scratches my brain
an image a print develops
and i holler in excitement
because it surfaces
and can't imagine how i forgot it in the first place
my bookmarks are mine
others note what impacts them
and sometimes i am the impact
but months later
the memory will fade erase fall apart
until a spark sparks a conversation
between a friend acquaintance stranger
Sep 9, 2010
light becomes brighter
the comedic situation of life reveals itself
laughter jumps around in circles
a key rest in the palm of the hand
and waiting
patiently for the holder to realize
the power in the palm
street lights attract insects
a brief memory floats to the surface
it involves chasing fireflies and youth
breaking summer nights
until sand man wakes
puts on his work clothes
to perform the task of knocking people out
one night leads to another
a string attaches the two
years apart
traces of happiness remain in my system
it tells a story on how to unlock the mystery
Sep 8, 2010
blinding light scorched the earth
bones cracked releasing marrow
lava broke the embrace of frigid seas
waves crashed on the surface of wood
two ships emerged dripping blood
with no captain or crew
the star held its shape
orbiting the globe
while the message was lost in the sands
Aug 31, 2010
nothing less
to an outsider
the landscape
holds gray skies
buildings that change
with each step
boundaries keep ideas in perspective
but they fade
creating an endless river of confusion
for explorers who dare to dream.
Aug 29, 2010
connect to mediums
which connect to large
forming a massive machine
but the smalls
remain small
feeling insignificant
oblivious to the power and influence
they have to move the machine
Aug 24, 2010
Aug 18, 2010
A Note
page word ink
pen loosens
blood streams
playful energy
tries to emerge
from the silence of noise
tries to overcome
the life
then dies.
Aug 15, 2010
for rojuana
you've been toe to toe
face to face
shared intimate space
with the cousin of sleep.
many rounds fought
shoot outs
block by block
building by building
room by room
and survived.
the tide turned
inches gave way to feet
stretching them new york avenues.
nothing in the world
should scare you.
you survived from the brink
you thrived with new vision
insights love and determination.
everything else is child's play
so treat it as so.
no stress
the worst has passed
fly on new wings
your new lease on life.
Aug 12, 2010
on a november day
sunlight hits the surface
the temperature remains the same.
thoughts overwhelm the bench sitter
she stares beyond space
at a point in time
freezes an image
dissects it
works backwards
until the image breathes life
materializes in her hands.
her eyes become a reflection of the world.
Aug 8, 2010
in plain sight
no hidden paragraphs
split words
lost in the crease.
leave it on the surface
for all
to see lower case
letters standing in a lineup.
leave it on the surface
no searches
it faces you
to watch every move
to watch every movement of your eye.
Aug 4, 2010
beautiful women
study and break them
to the core
imperfect beauty.
i strip the perceived value
let the foundation of their spirit
stand on a pedestal.
scared creatures roam the spinning rock.
i admire the kinetic energy
keep my distance.
encounters bring emotional baggage.
i watch from safety
from a distance
the silhouette of a queen
sliding down a pole.
Aug 1, 2010
they shape shape and mold
but the core
rarely changes.
it keeps gravity in place
from birth
the blueprint
bears it's brilliance
for the world to see.
an aging soul
learns to walk
in a young body.
Jul 28, 2010
segments of painted lines
turn from
yellow to white
solid to broken to double solid.
radio stations break on the beach
i scan the ripples repeatedly.
the web produces no relief
status updates keep me in a lull
silence follows a text sent to a friend
attention moves
to the outside world
i stare out the semi tinted window
peak into the mobile homes
of fellow travelers.
i wonder what's going on in their universe.
Jul 25, 2010
does not make it
to the paper screen iris.
it is not what you read
or listen to from mouth to ear.
it sits
hovers an inch from the poem
in between the lines
and molecules of a breath.
poetry resides in the unsaid
lurks around corners
and waits for the audience
to feel its presence.
Jul 18, 2010
A Note
under construction
the cynic speaks from time to time
we've constructed an elaborate fantasy
realities that cater to our egos
make us feel safe
in a package of bubble wrap
riding the wind of the cyclone
it is forgotten the at the core
it is still a ride
dipping high and low
meant to be enjoyed with laughs and tears.
time confuses the senses
events wreaks havoc on time
a baby enters a room
and for a brief second
we remember what it's really about
then life breaks the thought
and it's back to business of the usual.
Jul 16, 2010
still animals
but surface when we become
unaware of ourselves
the truth speaks
and the animal within
overtakes the human.
in packs
we roam
display bright colors.
the mask protects
the smile disappears until
strangers pass and leave us
to our comfortable surroundings.
Jul 11, 2010
the hope
years later
a situation will present itself
pin you to the mat
suffocate your desires and strength.
it will treat you like a rag doll
clenched in the hands of a dead man
stifle your thought process.
in the midst of this crisis
the energy and wisdom
of those who shaped your life
will navigate you through the storm.
and the hope
is that you take the time
to pass words with the youth
so they
can find calm waters
years later
when clouds form and thunder rumbles.
Jul 7, 2010
thirty year war
love and hate
must be kept close.
lines blur in the fog
but the line to the heart
should be tied tight to yours.
listen to the voices,
the faint echo
speaks the truth.
it repeats itself
until the mind
reads the lips of the mouth.
do not rely on alliances,
friend fold when it really counts.
this war
must start and end with you.
Jul 4, 2010
nigga i am
i don't need to
sport the gear
you imagine.
i am
the attitude confidence
that is feared admired.
the bag stays in pocket
for its contents to be exposed.
i am
the nightmare.
many more
follow the path of
clarence and hussein.
Jun 30, 2010
over the dance floor.
my eyes lock
stay trained
on movement
synchronized to rhythmic patterns
she transmits
of flushed lips
curled toes
silent screams.
cool exterior
hot interior
time slows
as her body
teases my imagination.
Jun 27, 2010
creative articulation
leaves the vehicle on the mat.
five false starts jumpstarts movement
disgust spills over the table
it creeps to the edge of the room
moistens the dust.
the sun peeks through the window
surveys the inanimate objects
the pool reflects the it's brilliance
blinding the peeping tom.
the beast shuts down
lights flicker then fade
doors auto lock
windows remain open
the inhabitants don't know whether to rejoice or be afraid
either way
they need to make a decision.
Jun 22, 2010
point of interest
sets us down a path
to the decision maker.
collide in the air
spiral to the ground
absorbed by the earth.
one step in front of another
is destiny.
there is no control
only the illusion of it.
some believe in the fantasy
find safety in it.
but whatever the belief
we must
live and die
with the decisions we make.
Jun 20, 2010
A Note
instrument of war
push action
raises awareness.
my mind
runs circles
plots and schemes
for an unknown tomorrow.
Jun 15, 2010
words from an atheist
there is no wrong way
to commit suicide.
if you want it quick
a bullet to the head works
but what if you can’t get a gun?
what if you’re scared to pull the trigger?
you may flinch
risk a misfire
live with a hole in the head.
some can do it
some can’t
some might want to sleep
pop pills
in a garage with the engine running
nice and slow
as sandman takes you on a dirt nap.
that’s too slow for others
they don’t want to cough,
a rope and a ledge,
cut off oxygen.
that might be too painful.
some are adrenaline junkies
jump off a bridge
a car plummeting from a cliff.
so many ways to get to one place.
to each their own.
no one argues about the best way to off yourself,
many ponder how they would do it,
whatever fits your personality.
whatever your preference is.
so why the fuck do you care
what religion someone follows,
whatever fits the personality.
many roads leading to one place
the “gods” are not fighting
for supremacy and conversion,
so why should you?
Jun 13, 2010
A Note
a mess of things
from last night where
dreams caught a flat
stranded on a highway.
i wake with nails rotting
blood drips
i stare
drink and quench thirst
applying the remainder as face paint.
the survivalist jumps out the window
my legs cut on broken glass,
wolves pick up the scent
but let us not forget i am hungry.
i prey on them
sharpen my big toe
rip off the nail
slicing the wolf’s neck.
i eat well
gain boots and gloves in the mix.
i need a coat to deflect pacific winds.
no, i want a coat.
i want things,
i want those things to produce more things
so i grab dirt and bathe
look to sky and talk to stomach.
stomach reassures me that it will stay hungry
as long as i keep feeding it,
i like this cycle
love the greed
i absorb culture as an appetizer
looking to the day for the main course.
Jun 10, 2010
before i reach the elevator.
to the outside world
i am calm
but his nails tap my iris
whispers in my ear
gradually increasing his chants.
lights flash
marking my decent
he jumps with joy
knowing his time is near.
the doors open
unleashing the creature.
he tears through my skin
turns the body i once knew as me
into a form only he loves.
car keys fall
from what resembled a human hand
i find the nearest wall
tunnel my way to the surface
break daylight
inhale the night's air and spread my wings.
Jun 8, 2010
in plain sight.
no hieroglyphics
split words lost in a crease.
i leave it on the surface
for all to see
lower case letters
standing in a line-up.
i leave it on the surface
so no searches need to be made.
it faces you
watching every movement
of your eye.
Jun 6, 2010
A Note from Santana Copeland
two of a kind
five feet away
from each other
in silence
we avoid the heat
hide in the vanishing shade.
we are connected
a bond
following an offbeat path.
work resumes
to the self appointed task,
work slows
back to the shade.
others talk mingle,
we sit in solitude.
i sense the similarities
to a point
i am tempted to say a word
but i am a loner
remaining true to myself.
Jun 1, 2010
A Note from Santana Copeland
night lights
they cast shadows and colors
on the inside of my eyelids.
life glides on the streets.
each minute increases danger
while more people step outside
a switch is made
nervousness creeps
inside my bones
once the witching hour passes
lost minds travel
hoping to make it home safely.
May 27, 2010
corner office
each wall had a window
a panoramic view of the city.
i would spend hours sitting
visitors would stop by
some talked
some i ignored.
late nights
i would take a nap
only to be awaken by the conductor
telling me
we arrived at the last stop.
May 25, 2010
death will look back.
ghosts of stars sprinkle light
to the earth's surface.
traces of explosions
points its eye to yours.
life runs in circles
plainly revealing its secrets.
May 23, 2010
A Note from Santana Copeland
a million black men walking in one direction
and exciting
to witness
May 20, 2010
stares at an empty couch.
the second hand runs a marathon
eyes glance to the door
the knob does not move.
light from the hallway
sneaks into the room,
diplomas certificates paintings
close in on the shrink
until a deep breath blows
everything back to normal proportions.
shadows from the hallway
breaks the beam of light.
the shadow's owner
paces up and down the hallway
as the therapist waits
for the door to open.
May 18, 2010
the mind needs to trick the body
but thoughts need to trick the mind.
battles erupt throughout the kingdom
civil war grips cities in a vice
lines are drawn
crossed then redrawn.
death's cousin sweeps the landscape
knocks down the windows of all who dare stare.
children play in the street
reclaim the air and fill it with laughter
the old man sings his lullaby’s
his voice travel the peaks and valleys
it crosses the globe until
the destination meets the start.
May 17, 2010
A Note from Santana Copeland
the night's sky watches them
they ignore the heavens
listen to the thunder.
fireworks go off
closer and closer
they anticipate the onslaught.
they close their eyes
pray to different gods
for safety
the safety of their brothers in arms
the safety of families left on different continents
the prayer ends.
it is upon them
they dart into the blinding storm.
in a matter of minutes
these two men will meet
one will die by the hands of the other.
May 13, 2010
limitless and free
adults place
invisible shackles on their bodies.
they call it progress
being an adult
call it what you may,
bonds drown you
restrict happiness
kill dreams and laughter.
the soul dies by the hands of the pessimist.
it's okay to dream
to put action behind the dream
and before you know it
you are living the dream
creating a blissful reality
one baby step at a time.
May 11, 2010
american made
tells the story
of my life
each line each digit
breaks my existence into a few sentences.
the rfid tag under my skin
gives watchers
the play by play of my movements.
(yes, i was there for nine hours
and that was the beginning of the night.)
the magnetic strip on my plastic
reflect spending habits
indulgence surfaces at a high price.
nothing is secret.
May 9, 2010
A Note from Santana Copeland
animals stay in the corner
salivating over potential prey.
intended targets are unknown
on guard
i prepare for combat
hat tipped forward
to hide eyes
allowing me to keep tabs on the beasts.
jacket zipped
minimized exposed clothing
nothing to grab
they stalk pace
i tense ready
death drips from their pores
anger pumps through vascular systems
the train stops
doors open
potential threat disappears
occupants breath lighter
i unzip my jacket.
May 2, 2010
keeps us warm during
harsh times.
it burns the skin
scorching hair and flesh.
the cool down
creates a hard
rhinosaurous texture.
the pain lessens
allowing us to storm the beaches
without fear.
desert wonderland
before hitting the cacti.
a piece of trash surfs
and finds freedom in the ocean.
water is paraded
while the city is in a draught.
the illusion trickles
from canine to politicians.
truth slowly reveals itself
no one pays attention to it
people ignore reality
embracing the status quo.
the sane feel insane
for being sane
among an insane population.
welcome to paradise.
circles within circles
the younger one tells his older brother
older brother fights junior high student.
a corner boy disrespects an outsider
outsider comes back with his boys
the two sides clash.
downstate water is contaminated by upstate pollution
a law suit is filed
the counties will harbor ill will, settle out of court.
developing nation’s airspace is violated by super power
super power ignores the concerns of developing nation
rival nations come to the aide of developing, weapons are drawn.
gang members display
rags, beads, colors, tats, signs, tags.
nations display
flags, slogans, tariffs, ignorance.
Apr 29, 2010
ante meridiem
after balancing checking accounts
after quality time with best friend
after cleaning quarters
after stealing time to view mountains
i am inspired to create.
Apr 27, 2010
secret songs
when notes send you back
traveling transported in time.
who is next to you
when nostalgia encapsulates your being
dancing smiling joy.
will you tell me
when lovers re-emerge
floating from long-term memory?
like you
i’ll keep my songs secret
letting memory wallow in suspended happiness.
we’ll smile
play back endings
what are you thinking about?
neither of us will admit the...
Apr 25, 2010
three generations
making their way through life
in front of marble eyes
a fly on the wall
little man
becoming a man
in the absence of a man.
i watched the game unfold
became a veteran at an early age
living in the dragon’s lair
a comfortable uneasy place to be.
i love my
they taught me well
even if they didn’t want to.
i submit my heart to no one
and stare crookedly with tender eyes.
i’ve become a hard man to melt
left many hearts broken.
it’s hard a hard mold to break.
Apr 22, 2010
captain’s log
are inscribed on nimbus
feathers drop to the floor
bouncing hard bodies on the earth.
the mindscape decides
to play havoc with questions.
nonsense overflows itself
just to believe that it is necessary
from time to time
tongues get stuck when all is said.
there needs to be more
body language interpretation
is a lost art science.
water spills but the cup is not tipped.
technology plays with emotions.
a day will come
and others will wish for another to
unwrap the current present
state of mind.
Apr 20, 2010
what you got?
creditors watching my fica movements
coworkers riding the high waiting for the fall
a broken horse i ride to death
thoughts that run into each other
an old spirit running my youth.
Apr 18, 2010
hungry dogs don’t eat
saliva drips from mouth
landing in a pool
an inch above his paw.
foul breath covers body.
omega spots what he likes
sniffs ass
she snarls
release fangs
into a sensitive heart.
he doesn’t bite back
takes it and asks for more
she snipes
trots around
tail in air
creating a cult following.
they raid garbage cans
competing for her honor.
she eats well
keeping them at distance.
alpha watches from the wings,
he wishes to
mount hump bite
impregnate seeds with seeds
multiple litters of mutts
bearing genetic codes.
all this stays in thought.
he passes her without word
strutting like it’s all good
turns corner limps
testicles pulse blue.
she barks
scattering the pack
jogs off in alpha’s direction
hoping for the time of day.
Apr 15, 2010
you’ll be taller than me.
it'll happen in front of a window
sunlight pours in
we face each other
you’ll be hurt frustrated
wonder why i don’t love you.
you push yourself
wishing wanting my approval.
despite your marvelous achievements
you’ll feel it is not enough.
i should have cleared this up years before
but as in life
things get muddled.
i love you and very proud of whom you’re becoming
i expect you to achieve
knock out the stars
that’s a given.
what i look for
is how you react when failure looms over your head.
this is where i am most proud of you.
you fall
dust yourself off
and keep smiling.
those are the moments that define you
makes you strong
define you as a man.
in that brief space time of depression
you'll find your strength purpose foresight.
Apr 13, 2010
cool to the touch
moon light is stuck in the air
hovering over the two
silence is spoken.
an index finger runs from breast to navel
eyes lock then wander
briefly fleeting to another world
then back to earth
under the stars
between morning and night
laughter erupts
as he nibbles on her flesh.
bodies pretzel into positions.
breathing grows to a standstill.
his lips meet hers.
Apr 11, 2010
heat singed facial hair.
before my eyes melted
i wondered if the
colors in a fire
ever got jealous,
that would at least
explain why they jump over
each other in competition.
i don’t know what happened afterwards,
i would imagine
news of the event went international,
i would imagine
people would call my chard cell phone
to hear me breathe.
would the phone ring?
would a police officer or a firefighter answer it?
and if they did
would they tell the caller
my body was scattered and mixed
with fifty other passengers?
i would let it ring.
they would leave a voicemail
and wait to see if i call back
or hear news of my fate
through the various networks of people who claim to know me.
strangers would watch the news
flipping through five news channels
just to hear the same information.
journalist would compare it to past events
mixed with sound bites of the president
informing the country of his resolve.
i’m surprised
how the flame hypnotized me,
fire is beautiful when it doesn’t scorch skin.
i flamed on
wondering if someone would shoot me.
a mercy kill
just wishful thinking,
at that moment i stopped panicking
and remembered what plato said.
Apr 8, 2010
thoughts form plainly
literal and uncensored.
armed guards stop the sentences at the border
they inspect every inch
rearrange the structure
chop and screw the thoughts
alphabet soup the poem.
access granted
it passes through the gates
air traffic control lands birds on papyrus
view the beasts
jump into the pilot seat and embark on a journey.
Apr 4, 2010
the dreamer never sleeps
the pen grabs his hand
leads him down a hall.
it disintegrates
turning the floor into a pool,
he drowns
then inhales the liquid.
it fills lungs.
he swims to the bottom
digs earth
breaks top soil.
sky sparks
waves flare
light show fireworks
brain storms.
he takes off his shirt
and dances in the lightning.